Digital Silver Pulser

El aparato tiene el certificado CE, además fue analizado por el Instituto de Técnica y Instrumentos Médicos ITAM y por el Laboratorio de Investigación y Patrones de Diseño EMAG. Ambos institutos tienen la acreditación europea.

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Digital Clark's Zapper

The device has got the certificate CE and all necessary examinations made in Institute of Technology and Medical Instruments in Zabrze and the Laboratory of Investigative and Designing Patterns in Katowice

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Digital Silver Pulser and Digital Clark's Zapper

The devices have got the certificates CE and the certificates of verification of conformability with UE directives. They were also examined by the Institute of Technology and Medical Instruments ‘ITAM’ and the Laboratory of Investigative and Designing Patterns ‘EMAG’. What is more, the devices Digital Clark’s Zapper and Digital Silver Pulser are in compliance with the norms:

PN-EN 61000-4-2:1999+A2:2003, PN-EN 61000-4-3:2006(U), PN-EN 55011:2001+A2:2004


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